Addiction Voice

Addiction Treatment

Will Drug Rehab Centers Let You Continue With a Xanax Prescription?

If you’ve been using Xanax to calm your anxiety, keep panic attacks at bay, or alleviate sleep issues, the idea of going to rehab for addiction is probably quite daunting. Many people quickly become both physically and psychologically dependent upon Xanax. This powerful benzodiazepine is incredibly fast-acting. You’re likely worried about having to deal with uncomfortable emotions without it. It’s important to note, however, that Xanax prescriptions aren’t generally allowed in rehab. Once you enter into a drug and alcohol treatment program, you’ll be gradually weaned off of this medication and any other addictive substances that you’ve been using. The good news is that you’ll still have access to a vast range of non-habit-forming Xanax alternatives. These medications and other stress management therapies offer far more sustainable ways for people with anxiety disorders to both achieve mood balance and maintain it.

Addiction Voice Therapy

Due to its highly addictive nature, long-term Xanax use is never recommended. Although some people are prescribed this drug for extended periods of time, prolonged use frequently does more harm than good. Weaning off of Xanax now can be incredibly beneficial for both your recovery and your health. Quitting will give your brain and your body the absolute best opportunity to heal. It will also minimize and even eliminate many of the side effects of long-term Xanax use that you’ve probably been experiencing.

Why Xanax is So Addictive?

Xanax or alprazolam depresses the central nervous system. In fact, Xanax has such a significant impact on how the brain and body function that stopping it outright is incredibly dangerous. The effects of this drug are so potent that they can often be felt within just 20 minutes of taking it. This medication products feelings of relaxation and calm by triggering a powerful neurotransmitter called gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA). Although GABA is naturally produced and used by the body for calming and reward purposes, the massive surges of this neurotransmitter that occur when Xanax is used can be harmful. For instance, taking Xanax for more than four weeks can result in:

  • Memory problems
  • Balance issues
  • Decreased coordination
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Slurred speech
  • Dizziness
  • Extreme fatigue

and more. Prolonged Xanax use also inhibits the body’s ability to produce GABA on its own. As natural GABA production declines, many Xanax users need to take more of this drug just to feel normal.

During Xanax detox, patients are slowly weaned off this drug so that their brains and bodies aren’t forced into a severe state of distress. This gives brain chemistry the opportunity to gradually normalize, and it greatly reduces both the risks of detoxing and the related withdrawal symptoms. When Xanax has been prescribed for treating sleep disorders, anxiety, stress, seizures, or other health problems, alternative treatments can be started right away, or as soon as it is medically safe to do so.

Rehab professionals have a vast range of therapies, treatment modalities, and other tools that they can use to replace Xanax use. These include various options in non-habit-forming anxiety medications, stress management workshops, talk therapy, and more. Quitting Xanax does not leave patients without viable treatment options. Instead, it gives them the ability to find healthier and far more sustainable ways to achieve balanced emotions and balanced lives overall. Addiction treatment programs frequently include dual diagnosis services for patients dealing with:

  • Social anxiety disorder
  • General anxiety disorder
  • Panic disorder
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder

and other co-occurring mental health issues. By effectively diagnosing and treating conditions like these, rehab gives recovering addicts safe strategies for managing their mental health. If you’ve been struggling with Xanax addiction and need help, We as a beachcomber rehab Florida are always here to provide it Call us today at 561 658-1729.