Addiction Voice


What is the Detox Process?

A life of addiction is not an easy one. It is full of dominating highs and vicious lows that can ultimately lead to the destruction of an individual’s life. Making the decision to end this abrasive cycle is the first step in beginning to heal from the wounds addiction creates. This healing process can not truly begin until the individual stops using the drug, which may lead to uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. For most people, this is the hardest part of combatting their addiction, but it is an essential piece of the puzzle. For that reason, many individuals attempting to be free of their addiction will seek the help of a medical drug detox center in order to ease this process as much as possible.

Beachcomber Drug and Alcohol Rehab of South Florida can offer their best recommendations in the area for outpatient, medically supervised detoxification programs, where experienced staff specializes in a variety of detox and treatment of addictions that many people face. Beachcomber offers the care and support to help you find detox options and ease your way down the road to recovery.

What to Expect

Everyone beginning this process has different life experiences and therefore requires different treatments to carry out this transition to a sober lifestyle. Our patients are evaluated by our chemical dependency professionals who determine the correct program and treatment to ensure the success of detoxification. Our experienced professionals will also determine if a patient suffers from additional disorders that are commonly associated with substance abuse, including:

  • Depression – is a condition characterized by feelings of sadness, emptiness, and hopelessness over an extended period of time.
  • Anxiety – a condition characterized by feelings of nervousness and an inability to relax.
  • Bipolar Disorder – a condition characterized by extreme mood swings between depression and elation.

These evaluations will help our team at Beachcomber Drug and Alcohol Rehab South Florida better cater to the specific needs of each individual and find a detox program that will help ensure the success of treatment.


As patients go through the detoxification process, staff will closely monitor their progress of the individual. A team of qualified caregivers provides the necessary support and care to help ease the discomfort of withdrawal. In the most extreme cases, medical staff may prescribe medications to ease the body into functioning without the drug.

Withdrawal symptoms range widely depending on the person and the drug that is being detoxified, but the most common symptoms seen include the following:

  • Anxiety
  • Nausea
  • Insomnia
  • Pain
  • Muscle cramps
  • Sweating
  • Cravings
  • Diarrhea

With the use of our medical detox program, patients will receive around the clock care from our experienced staff to help them through their detoxification process, to make them as comfortable and safe as possible. A good detox center will also ensure that if any complications do arise during treatment that our team is available to help. This strong foundation of care and support is essential for the road to recovery, and once detox is completed, Beachcomber Drug and Alcohol Rehab South Florida can help you make the next steps into the residential program and move you further down the road of a drug-free life.

Transition to Treatment

Although detox is the essential starting point in a person’s recovery journey, completion does not ensure success in defeating addiction. Upon completing the detox stage, it is recommended that patients transition to drug rehabilitation programs, where they will receive ongoing therapy and other treatments to help them permanently leave their addiction in the past. Full recovery is a lifelong journey; the information patients learn in this process will be essential to truly overcome their addiction and equip them to face the battles waiting for them as they maintain their sobriety. The support and knowledge our staff provides in this important step of the process will help ensure our patients have the tools necessary for the journey they have ahead.

Reach Out For Help

If you or a loved one is struggling with drug addiction, don’t wait to get the help that is necessary. The drug detoxification process is a difficult one, but our staff at the Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center of South Florida can ease this transition to help you start your road to recovery. Don’t hesitate to contact us and learn more about the programs and treatments we utilize to help our patients stop using and maintain their sobriety.