Addiction Voice

Residential Recovery Program

Top 5 Things to Look for in a Residential Recovery Program in Florida

If you or your loved one is struggling with drug and alcohol addiction, it might be time to seek professional help. A residential recovery program in Florida, like Beachcomber Residential Recovery Program, will give you the environment and support you need to recover.

But we know that recovery programs are a personal choice. Not every Florida 12-step program or recovery program is right for every person. Each program is a little different, so it’s important to do some research and understand what will work for you personally.

Here we’ll look at the top five things to look for in a residential recovery program. But no matter which program you choose, it’s important to look for a high-quality program treatment. The Research Recovery Institute outlines 11 indicators of quality addiction treatment that serve as the basis for any program.

In addition to these quality markers, here are five things to look for in a Florida Residential Recovery Program:

1. Programs

The first and most important thing to look at is what programs are offered. Inpatient vs. outpatient recovery programs is very different. Other things to look for is whether there are Florida 12-step programs, detox, sober living communities, group therapy, and other programs.

It’s always a good idea to discuss your specific needs with the center to make sure their programs are a good fit for you.

2. Reputation

It’s important to go to a recovery center that is built on a strong reputation. One of the best ways to know the reputation of a recovery program is to seek out word-of-mouth referrals or read client testimonials. What are the people who attended the program saying about it?

You can also learn about reputation by how long they’ve been working in the community and what their philosophy and values are.

3. Size

If you’re choosing a Florida Residential Recovery Program, size might be an important factor. Some people prefer a small, intimate setting, whereas other people may thrive in a larger center with more people. Consider what works best for you and your personality.

Size also impacts the programs and offerings of a recovery center—smaller recovery programs may not have as many resources as larger ones.

4. Location

Location is important when you consider the involvement of family and friends. Ideally, you are close enough that they can visit or participate in family counseling.

And, when you are no longer in a residential recovery program but have moved to outpatient care or joined a Florida 12-step program, it’s important to be able to make the commute regularly.

5. Family involvement

Recovery doesn’t just involve the person with addiction—it also impacts the whole family. Family therapy and involvement are also essential to the substance abuse recovery process.

So, what programs, services, or offerings do the treatment center have for families? Are they involved in family therapy and the recovery process? Consider family involvement as one of the main things to look out for in a residential recovery program.

Choosing a residential recovery program is a personal decision that needs to be made carefully. At Beachcomber Residential Recovery Program, we know that it’s important to find the right fit. Contact us today to learn more about who we are and what we offer.