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Addiction Treatment Centers In Florida

Three Most Commonly Used Drugs in the US

The most commonly used drugs in the United States at this time are not surprising; often, you’ll see ads for two out of three when you’re watching television. Currently, the top three drugs are alcohol, marijuana, and prescription painkillers, in no particular order. These drugs all have different effects and risks that come with their use. Beachcomber drug and alcohol rehab of South Florida wants you to know about these effects and how to combat the challenges of having a loved one lost in addiction.


Marijuana, pot, weed, or cannabis comes from the cannabis Sativa plant. While this used to be the most commonly used illegal drug, many states currently allow its medical or recreational use or even decriminalize it. Twelve million people in the US on record claim to use marijuana regularly. Marijuana is considered a mild hallucinogen. The drug affects the central nervous system to create effects such as calmness, paranoia, sleepiness, an increase in appetite, hallucinations, or a distortion of reality.  Other long-term effects include memory loss or lapses, high heart rate, and chronic cough. People do not overdose from marijuana, but it can have frightening side effects.

Pain Relievers

While there are regular news reports on opioid abuse in the US, this epidemic is sweeping other countries. Prescription painkillers are the most widely abused drug currently. Drugs such as morphine, codeine, methadone, oxycodone, Vicodin, and hydrocodone are highly addictive due to the sense of euphoria and excitement they induce. Although doctors prescribe these drugs, they are widely over-administered, and since these prescriptions are expensive, it often leads to the use of more illicit or dangerous drugs.  


Alcohol is one of the most popular drugs in the United States today because it is socially acceptable. Incorporated into daily programming, the consumption of alcohol has become deeply rooted in American Culture. Alcohol is legal for those over 21 and is available at most restaurants, grocery stores, and convenience stores. Alcohol is easily accessible due to how normalized it is in America. Alcohol side effects include impaired motor skills, slurred speech, and decreased inhibitions. Heavy drinkers can eventually develop pancreatitis, liver disease, heart disease, and diabetes.  Alcoholics can easily pass in society because drinking is considered commonplace. However, it is a severe disease that requires treatment and often medical attention.

Treatment Options

Treatment options vary for each individual because each addiction is different. Addiction is typically a gradual process. If you recognize it early, you may be able to stop it in its tracks with an outpatient program and the help of Alcoholics Anonymous. Outpatient rehab is a program you can fit into your schedule while maintaining your responsibilities and sleeping in your own home. However, inpatient rehabilitation is an excellent option if your addiction is more severe or if you are addicted to a more intense substance like painkillers. If you are looking for drug and alcohol rehab in South Florida, check out the Beachcomber Recovery ready to help you or a loved one get on the path to sobriety.