Addiction Voice

12-Step Support Groups

The Importance of Honesty in a 12-Step Support Groups

You’ve probably heard that phrase before—“honesty is the best policy.” We’ve all grown up being told that we shouldn’t lie but make sure to always tell the truth. But why is honesty so important? And more specifically, why is honesty important for 12-step support groups?

Addiction Voice is a rehabilitation center that runs 12-step support groups in Florida. We know how powerful these programs can be in supporting recovery and overcoming addiction. But to really get the most out of a 12-step program, honesty must be the top priority.

Why Honesty is Important in 12-Step Support Groups

The single biggest reason honesty is important in 12-step support groups is that addiction makes you dishonest. Most people struggling with drug and alcohol addiction develop a habit of lying because the lies serve their addiction.

They lie to friends and family about their addiction, they lie to work or their commitments to sustain the addiction, and they lie to themselves about how bad the addiction is.

So, to combat addiction, we need to flip the script and do things totally differently: be honest.

Here are other reasons why honesty is important in 12-step support groups:

  • Honesty helps you get the help you need and lets professionals know how to help you.
  • Honesty helps you rebuild and mend broken relationships.
  • Honesty keeps you accountable to your 12-step support group.
  • Honesty helps prevent a relapse because other people can step in and provide support
  • Honesty helps you regain control over your addiction and life by providing an honest assessment of where you are.

Despite these reasons, many people in recovery will still behave dishonestly. They may have become used to it during their active addiction, or they feel shame and embarrassment over what they are currently experiencing in recovery. But dishonesty is a symptom of addiction and can be overcome through treatment and recovery.

Dishonesty is one of the most common relapse triggers for those in recovery. Honesty is not just important—it’s often necessary to save a life! Rigorous honesty is a foundation of 12-step programs and a documented step in relapse prevention programs. It demands that addicts are honest with themselves and others so that they can rebuild and recover.

12-Step Programs in Florida

The road to addiction recovery is best walked with other people. You need a sober community that understands what you’re going through and will support you in recovery. 12-step support groups have a long history of success, which we’ve seen here at Addiction Voice.

To be successful in your 12-step support group, make sure that honesty is your top priority. It’s only when you are honest about your addiction that you can get help.

Addiction Voice is committed to supporting your recovery with 12-step programs in Florida. If you’re looking for an effective, supportive 12-step program in Florida, contact us today to start a conversation.