Addiction Voice

Chemical Dependencies

Testing for Chemical Dependencies

Although many are familiar with chemical dependency assessments, they may use a few different terms to describe them. These tests can also be referred to as chemical dependency evaluations and substance abuse assessments or evaluations. These tests are commonly used in the evaluation and treatment of addiction and substance abuse disorders. 

What does a chemical dependency assessment measure?

Chemical dependency assessments and substance abuse assessments are all used to determine the same thing: if someone is physically dependent on a drug or alcohol. Taking this kind of test is usually the first step in an addiction recovery process. If the test determines that the subject is in fact addicted (chemically dependent) on a substance, the person will usually be enrolled in some kind of treatment program.

Chemical dependency assessments can sometimes also measure the magnitude of certain addictions and identify comorbidities. Comorbidities are other disorders, usually mental health conditions, that are co-occurring with the substance abuse disorder. These tests aim to generate an overall idea of an individual’s current addiction, their history with addiction, and to identify any other health concerns. Once a chemical dependency test is administered by a healthcare professional, the results will give them a better understanding of a person’s substance abuse issues. This will give them the best foundation on which to build a customized treatment plan that is tailored to the individual’s unique needs. 

How is the assessment administered?

This assessment collects information from the subject through recorded interview-style questioning and some written responses. There are usually two separate stages to a chemical dependency evaluation, each administered by a different healthcare professional. 

  1. Initial Screening

The first section of the evaluation is a screening process. It entails a series of “yes” or “no” questions that will identify if the subject has a substance abuse issue. Entry level healthcare professionals can be trained to administer this section of the test.

  1. Final Assessment

The final stage of the test will help define specific types of substance abuse and determine possible diagnoses. This step should only be administered by a doctor, nurse, certified therapist, or a social worker. Once the results are determined, the healthcare professional will be able to create a customized treatment plan.

When is a chemical dependency assessment necessary?

There are many reasons why someone may receive a chemical dependency evaluation. Any time a court case involves substance use or abuse, a judge may require the defendant to receive a chemical dependency evaluation that will help identify addiction issues. Convictions that may lead to a court-ordered evaluation can include DUIs, public intoxication, disorderly conduct, assault, and more. 

If an evaluation does determine that the individual is dependent on a substance, they will usually be ordered to complete a treatment program shortly thereafter. It may be an inpatient or outpatient program depending on the severity of the person’s addiction issues. Of course, recovery plans will vary depending on the substance of choice, but they will typically include some of the following methods:

  • Individual therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Education & resources
  • Medications
  • Career counseling

Although identifying and treating a substance abuse issue can be a long process, recovery is worth every step. To learn more about chemical dependency and the different assessments used to identify them, reach out to Beachcomber Delray today.