Addiction Voice

Intensive Outpatient Delray Beach Florida

If either you or a loved one are living in the cycle of addiction, there is only one way out. You will need to find a quality treatment center like Beachcomber’s Florida drug and alcohol treatment center as soon as possible. Trying to quit on your own is typically unsuccessful and terribly unwise as addiction recovery requires a team of supporters as well as a reeducation on how to live life as a sober person. Full rehabilitation needs to address the root causes of the drug or alcohol addiction. Outpatient Rehab can provide the opportunity for a deeper look into why addiction has taken over your life. When seeking out what type of treatment program you want, for the most part, you can expect that residential treatment will be recommended as the best choice. In cases of heroine addiction and addiction that has lead to loss of family, job and  homelessness for example-inpatient rehab would be the only recommendation. Ultimately, it comes down to the level of commitment of the person seeking help. If for any reason you were unwilling or unable to commit to residential treatment, an outpatient addiction program like Beachcomber’s Florida drug and alcohol treatment center would be the suggested option.

What is Outpatient Rehab?

In a residential treatment program, you would be required to stay in the treatment facility 24/7 for the duration of treatment. During that time, you would likely go through PAWS detox and a therapy program. The therapy program would likely include individual, group, and family therapy sessions. As part of an Intensive outpatient program in Delray Beach FL, the treatment process would be quite similar with one major difference. Patients are permitted to live at home while reporting for treatment at predetermined times.  Outpatient treatment would also includes some form of assisted detox program, if necessary, and the same kinds of therapy program. If you or a loved one were to agree to take part in an outpatient addiction treatment program, you would need to stay in good standing. Adherence to rules such as these would be a requirement:

  • Absolutely no substance use of any kind (prescription drugs only approved by a physician)
  • Must be willing to participate in random drug testing 
  • Must abide by the treatment program schedule without missed appointments
  • Must continue to show good progress throughout the treatment process

If for any reason a person were to fail to abide by these rules,  they may be asked to stop attending treatment until ready to do the work.

Types of Outpatient Rehab

There are three general types of outpatient rehab options available. Choosing the right option would depend on the following criteria:

  • The depth of your addiction
  • The length of time you have been abusing your substance or substances of choice
  • The actual substance or substances you have been abusing
  • The amount you are using each time and each day
  • Whether or not you might also have a mental health issue that serves as a co-occurring disorder

Based on this information, the rehab’s staff would recommend one of the following three outpatient options.

Partial Hospitalization Program

A Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) is the most restrictive of the three options. Clients are required to attend appointments five to seven days a week. That would include six to eight hours a day of treatment. With this option, most of your time would be spent with individual therapy. The primary focus of individual therapy would be working through your issues in search of the driving force behind your addiction. With the extra time, you might also get the chance to participate in group and family therapy sessions.

Intensive Outpatient Program

An Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) is less restrictive than the PHP option. Still, you would be required to report for treatment for as few as three days a week and maybe as many as five days a week. Each day, you would spend four to six hours a day in therapy. With less time to devote to treatment, most of the focus here would be on individual therapy. However, you might get to work with a group if time allows.

General Outpatient Program

A General Outpatient Program (GP) is considered more of a maintenance option for people who have completed a residential treatment program. However, a client could qualify for this option if they have a minor addiction issue. If you or a loved one are interested in exploring outpatient rehab options such as what Beachcomber’s Florida drug and alcohol treatment center offers, call us today and we will give you our best recommendation based on the information provided.  

Beachcomber Rehabilitation Center

We Provide Addiction Treatment In A Professional, Confidential, And Respectful Environment.