Addiction Voice

Self Medicating

Is Addiction Genetic?

A Discussion by Beachcomber Alcohol and Drug Rehab South Florida

People often say, “addiction is genetic.” This implies that there are people out there who are simply more likely to become addicted to substances than others. However, is it true? Are genetics a deciding factor in if someone becomes addicted to drugs or alcohol? Or is this a myth? The best way to bust a myth is by understanding it and its origins.

Define Addiction

As defined in the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIH), Addiction is defined as, “a chronic, relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive drug seeking, continued use despite harmful consequences, and long-lasting changes in the brain. It is considered both a complex brain disorder and a mental illness.” These behaviors are often harmful to the mental health, relationships, and general wellbeing of those struggling with addiction. Consistent use of drugs and alcohol can also cause nerve damage, brain damage, and changes to the body. Addiction is considered a chronic condition that can create a number of physical disabilities if not taken seriously. Sadly if addiction is completely ignored, it can lead to death.

The Science of Addiction

Addiction is dependent on a person’s environment as well as their natural disposition. A person may not have any previous mental illness, however addiction is created by a compulsive use of a drug or alcohol. The drug creates a false response to the brain’s reward center, leading to abnormal balance. This experience encourages the person to keep stimulating the reward center in the same way. This corrupts the neurotransmitters which affects the amount of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine released. When large amounts of dopamine are released, addiction can be a result.

Genetics and Addiction

There are factors that scientists have identified that will predict the likeliness of whether or not someone will become addicted to drugs. A lot of this research has looked into genetics as a source for addictive qualities. Genetics play a significant role in a person’s susceptibility to addiction. Often it appears as though addiction is passed by generation, however it is more that the person’s environment coupled with genetic predisposition help determine the likeliness. If someone is predisposed to want to use then an environment where they have constant access to these drugs will only encourage that event. There are certain genes that are more commonly found in drug addiction, one specific gene is “met-ab” which has been found in the brains of most who are dependent on drugs and alcohol.

Is Addiction Genetic?

Today, there are no known genes that can be used to tell if a person is addicted. Addiction is dependent on someone’s predisposition to drugs and the environment in which they grow and develop. While genetics do play a role in the addiction, they don’t decide whether or not someone will become addicted. They just affect the likelihood. There are indicators such as gene variations that imply altered pleasure centers in the brain, dopamine receptors, but it’s more complex than that. If you feel you are predisposed to addiction, know that you can break the cycle. Surround yourself with a healthy, encouraging environment to avoid potentially falling into addiction. Decide now what boundaries are necessary for self regulation. If you find yourself unable to keep healthy boundaries when exposed to environments that involve drugs or alcohol then don’t hesitate-call Beachcomber Drug and Alcohol Rehab South Florida. If you have a loved one who is struggling with addiction, reach out to Beachcomber for alcohol and drug rehabilitation in South Florida. They will walk you through all of your options to see what alcohol and drug rehabilitation will work to help you overcome your addiction.