Addiction Voice

Inpatient Alcohol and Drug Rehab in Delray Beach

If you or someone you love can relate to this story then inpatient rehab may be the answer. You have been struggling with addiction for so long that you have forgotten what your life was like before the addiction. You don’t know how this happened to you. It was just supposed to be about having fun, you could quit whenever you wanted. You never thought it could take over your life. You don’t know how to stop. Addiction is destroying your relationships. It’s putting your job at risk. Worst of all, it’s ruining your health. You’ve tried to walk away from the source of your addiction on your own- to no avail. If this story sounds familiar then it’s time to get help from professionals. Inpatient Drug Rehab Delray Beach can help you or your loved one to take back their life. Entering an inpatient drug rehab means making a commitment to recovery in a place where there are no distractions. Having a safe, supportive environment surrounded by professionals who are here to help you is an integral foundation for a long-lasting recovery. The length of stay in an inpatient rehabilitation program will depend on the specific situation. While some programs run for 21 days. 30 days is a typical stay in an inpatient program. In some cases, clients may stay as long as 90 days. The patient will be closely monitored as they are initially in a detoxification phase of recovery. The first week to ten days of the program is focused on giving the body the chance to eliminate toxins that have built up in the system throughout the period of addiction. Caring for the patient emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually is key as inpatient rehabilitation is an excellent opportunity to be immersed in recovery for the whole person. You or your loved one do not have to tackle recovery alone.

Beachcomber is a Florida drug and alcohol treatment center with a team of compassionate, holistic rehabilitation specialists ready to be by your side every step of the way. Once detox is completed the mind will be more clear for truly facing the addiction. Beachcomber helps the recovering addict look at the root of the triggers that lead to the path of addiction in the first place. This discovery can safeguard the recovering addict from quickly returning to addiction after the program. Time will be spent learning new ways to cope with stress, anxiety, and low self-esteem so that when triggers come, it doesn’t lead back to using. Our trained therapists lead family groups with discussions about family history and childhood memories that may have led to the decision to abuse drugs or alcohol in the first place. 

What makes Beachcomber unique as a Florida drug and alcohol treatment center is its personal touch. Beachcomber is a private facility with 16 beds and excellent one-on-one care with compassionate and holistic therapists.  Entering inpatient alcohol and drug rehab can change your life. It can give you the resources you need to conquer your addiction. Individual counseling sessions will focus on your journey, helping you to choose a better path for the future. Group sessions and support groups also help the recovering addict feel like they are part of a community that shares similar problems.  Addiction doesn’t only affect the addict. It touches everyone who is a part of their life. The Beachcomber inpatient rehabilitation program can lead you or your loved one in the right direction and can bring healing to the whole family. Contact Beachcomber recovery specialists today to take the first step. 

Beachcomber Rehabilitation Center

We Provide Addiction Treatment In A Professional, Confidential, And Respectful Environment.