Addiction Voice

Individualized Addiction Treatment

Individualized Addiction Treatment: An Essential for Recovery

Millions of Americans suffer from addiction. But although they all share the same disease, each and everyone comes from a different background with a unique life experience, and different mental and physical genetic, and health factors. These differences create unique treatment needs, and that is why we believe in the importance of an individualized addiction treatment plan for every client. Unsurprisingly, experts have determined that one single approach to addiction recovery is not the most effective. What does work, however, is designing a treatment plan that is tailored to each individual’s unique needs which can be fulfilled by the South Florida drug & alcohol addiction rehab center Delray

Understanding Addiction

Before diving into the benefits of individualized treatment, we must have a foundational understanding of addiction itself. Several different factors make the experience of addiction different for everyone who suffers from it. First, there are biological factors. Studies have shown that genetics account for up to 50% of a person’s risk for addiction. Environmental influences such as parental behaviors, economic status, history of abuse, and stress levels can have a large impact. And lastly, developmental factors can greatly influence impulse control and overall behavior in adulthood. 

These are the kinds of factors and variables that professionals must consider when designing a unique treatment plan for a client. 

What are the benefits of individualized treatment?

Individualized addiction treatment plans aim to address all aspects of a person’s addiction. Beachcomber Delray offers a variety of therapy options and chooses the kind of therapy that is right for each individual in recovery. This will help build a solid foundation for sobriety that is prepared for the challenges each person will inevitably face. Individualized treatment is a much more rewarding and empowering process since it meets the unique needs of each individual which can be entirely taken care of by the Drug and alcohol rehab treatment Center Florida.

What is included in an individualized treatment plan?

Research has determined that the key to an effective individualized plan is three things:

1. A comprehensive initial assessment of treatment needs,
2. Close, ongoing monitoring of symptoms, and
3. Continued monitoring of behavior changes

However, an individualized treatment plan at Beachcomber Delray encompasses more than just these three pieces. Here are a few others we take into consideration:

Medical Treatment

Drug addiction and alcoholism can contribute to many other serious health issues such as malnutrition, infections like HIV and hepatitis C, dental disease, cardiovascular disease, and others. These health issues must be addressed along with the addiction in order to enhance the person’s chances of long-term success in sobriety.

Mental Health Treatment

Addiction often comes with mental health-related comorbidities. Depending on each individual’s mental status, they may also need treatment for conditions like generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), depressive disorders, PTSD, borderline personality disorder, or other types of mental health conditions. Many people who suffer from addiction first abuse drugs as a way to cope with mental illness, so you can see how this would be extremely important to address as it may be a root cause of addiction for some. 

Evidence-based therapies

There are always new and improved therapy methods being developed and studied. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is one that is commonly used in addiction treatment and recovery to help people establish positive behavioral changes that support a sober lifestyle. Florida drug and alcohol treatment center is diligently staying on top of the most current literature on recovery therapies, and we are passionate about engaging in evidence-based practices to benefit our clients. 

Family support

And lastly, family support is vital to any treatment plan. Supportive or unsupportive family members can make or break a loved one’s recovery. Loving, supportive family and friends can provide a safe place for those in recovery to rebuild relationships and practice newly learned skills around communication, coping, and social engagement. 

If this sounds like something you or a loved one is ready for to embark on the journey to sobriety and recovery, contact Beachcomber Delray today.