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Boundaries To Set With a Loved

How to Process Uncertainty in Perilous Times

The world has constantly been changing for the past few years. These “unprecedented times” can influence a mindset of uncertainty regarding the future. Such feelings of insecurity can make it easier to develop a viewpoint of despair and hopelessness. Beachcomber Drug and Alcohol Rehab South Florida has had many new clients as a result. They tell their clients that when you feel like life has spun out of control, the body’s natural reaction can create cravings, anxiety, depression, and other symptoms that in normal circumstances may seem manageable. In such a time of war, ongoing pandemic, and unstable economy, focusing on your mental health has never been more important. Here is a simple list of tips to help you feel secure in your mindset.

Understand What’s in Your Control

In a world where our what-ifs seem to constantly come true. The best thing we can do is stop asking “what if the worst happens?” These negative thoughts will not bring you peace. While it can be tempting to fall into these traps, it’s an easy way to send your mental health plummeting and propagate even more worry and fear. Beachcomber Drug and Alcohol Rehab South Florida suggests that an alternative is to look around and find the areas of life that you can control. Shifting this focus from “what if” to “I can” will help you to realize just how powerful you are to affect the direction and outcomes in your life. This transition of thought will provide stability and sustainability during the most uncertain times. It’s important to move from a place of helplessness to empowerment.

Adopt an “I Can” Attitude 

Here is what that means:

  • Understanding and controlling your thoughts and feelings
  • Letting others know your needs
  • Taking charge of your physical and mental health
  • Taking a step back from the things that make you feel despair
  • Creating positive habits 

Stay off the Internet

While this task is in actuality next to impossible, it’s a goal to strive for. Many of us need to use the internet for our work or to stay updated on the news. However, it is a slippery slope to constantly scrolling through negative ideas and headlines that will directly affect your headspace. The news and media are specifically made to dramatize what’s happening in the world for views and followers. It is easy to forget that that is business for them- but often at our expense. A better option is to focus on your individual world and how you can make it better one day at a time. Delegate portions of your week to completely unplug. While it’s not the easiest thing in today’s world, it’s so beneficial to find an activity that brings you joy like reading, gardening, going on a walk, or even getting a pedicure. These more uplifting activities will help you feel better mentally and emotionally long term.

Be Where You Are

Often we don’t realize that we are missing opportunities to connect and engage in the moment when we are caught up in fear and worry about what is to come. Try to lean into what’s happening now. Embrace and connect to the space around you and look for the treasure that is right there. This practice helps you feel grounded and secure in a not-so-secure world. Mindfulness exercises will help ward off the feeling of the world being too big and will provide the peace you need to Be where you are. 

Seek Professional Help

While self-help strategies can take the edge off and provide some good truths to hold on to if you’re struggling on the day-to day asking for help will provide tools to help you more on the long term. The pandemic has increased the rate of drug and alcohol relapses exponentially because of these overwhelming feelings of isolation and fear. If you struggle with addiction or mental health, there is no shame in seeking counseling or treatment. There is drug and alcohol rehabilitation for these reasons, to help keep you safe, healthy, and working towards being happy. If you’re looking for drug and alcohol rehab in South Florida, Beachcomber is a welcoming environment that wants to see you succeed and help get the relief and rest you need.