Addiction Voice

Drinking Problem

How to Know if you Have a Drinking Problem

For many people, drinking alcohol is a casual, social activity that doesn’t lead to any problems. But others might develop a drinking problem or addiction that dramatically impacts their lives. We know that there are severe negative outcomes of alcohol addiction, so it’s important to catch a potential problem early.

Beachcomber Rehab is a drug and alcohol rehab in Delray, where we walk with people through their alcohol addictions. Rehab and recovery are easier for people who catch their drinking problems early on, so knowing the signs of potential drinking problems is important. Here’s how you can know if you have a drinking problem.

How to Know if You Have a Drinking Problem

Before getting into some of the warning signs of a drinking problem, we have to acknowledge that every person is totally different. Environment, genetics, life circumstances, and many other factors impact whether or not you will develop a drinking problem. So, the “warning signs” might not apply to everyone—each experience is unique.

That said, there are some common signs that help you know if you have a drinking problem. Here are some behaviors that may indicate you have a drinking problem:

  • You consistently drink more than you planned to during the event or activity.
  • Your tolerance has increased and what used to get you “buzzed” no longer does. This results in drinking higher quantities than normal.
  • You’re only interested in activities or events that involve drinking and may give up other things that you were once interested in and cared about.
  • Your relationship with alcohol has led to interpersonal challenges or friction in your relationships.
  • You’re experiencing health problems such as damage to your liver or pancreas.
  • You’ve tried to stop before and find it increasingly difficult to abstain from alcohol.
  • You continue to drink despite negative consequences like fractured relationships, legal troubles, or injury to yourself or others.
  • You use alcohol to cope with negative feelings or experiences.
  • You’ve engaged in risky behaviors while drinking.

·   You regularly engage in heavy alcohol use, which the NIAAA (National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism) defines as more than four drinks/day or 14 drinks/week for men, and 3 drinks/day or 7 drinks/week for women.

There are some effective self-tests you can also use to determine if you have a drinking problem. If you suspect you may have a drinking problem, don’t stay silent—find a trusted friend or family member to talk to and confide in them. Together you can determine what level of professional help you might need to address your drinking problem.

Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Delray

If you’ve determined you need professional support to combat a drinking problem, reach out to us at Beachcomber Rehab Delray. We have a team of committed professionals who will help you to get back to your life without the negative effects of alcohol addiction.

We believe that each story is unique, and your treatment should be unique as well. Our drug and alcohol rehab Delray is designed to support your journey to health and wholeness.