Addiction Voice

Depression Contribute to Addiction

How Does Depression Contribute to Addiction?

Have you ever wondered if depression is linked to addiction? Statistics show that drug and alcohol addiction is more prevalent among people with depression. Many who suffer from depression are not only more at risk for substance abuse, but may not be aware of the connection between depression and addiction. The beachcomber Drug and Alcohol Rehab South Florida encourages you and your loved ones to educate each other and understand the factors that can trigger, worsen, and contribute to addiction that most aren’t aware of. 

As depression and addiction are both separately intense conditions, when the two are paired together in someone’s life it becomes much harder to overcome. While substance abuse and addiction can oftentimes cause a mental illness like depression, it is also very possible to happen the other way around. Depression triggers feelings of isolation, insomnia, hopelessness, suicide, and more. Processing these harsh emotions can become difficult when your judgment is clouded and that is where self-medicating with alcohol or drugs plays a role. The symptoms of depression can trigger someone toward substance abuse in order to cope with the negative feelings. Although these conditions are difficult, they are very possible to conquer with the help of professional treatment centers like The Beachcomber Drug and Alcohol Rehab South Florida.

Understanding Depression

I’m sure we have all felt disappointed at one time or another, whether your favorite item was out of stock, or your friend canceled plans at the last minute, sadness is a universal experience. Depression, on the other hand, causes those negative feelings to stick around while others are able let go of them in a shorter amount of time. Depression can affect the way you feel, think, act, eat, sleep, and your overall well-being. Clinical depression should be  diagnosed by a psychological assessment; after evaluating symptoms in detail, the doctor will determine which treatment plan is the best, as well as schedule a follow up appointment. 

Identifying Depression

Depression looks different with each person.  Remember to be patient with someone suffering from depression, even if you cannot understand. Depression can affect people differently based on their age and circumstances. Young adults with depression are more irritable, impulsive, and have a strongly negative view of the future. In adolescence, depression is more due to hormones and social pressures. In middle aged adults, depression can look like consistent health issues,  chronic episodes, and more. Finally, in older adults, depression often displays feelings of grief, pain, suffering, and hopelessness. In severe cases, depression can cause chronic illness and other serious health conditions. Attending therapy groups like the trauma therapy offered by The Beachcomber is a great way for you and your loved ones suffering from depression to understand the disease and how to overcome it.

How to Help Someone with Depression and Addiction

Although both depression and addiction are not black and white and look different with everyone, there are helpful ways that you can help someone who is struggling. It can be very hard to watch a loved one go through the pain of depression and addiction, and not know how you can help.

Here are some ways that you can help:
  • Set boundaries. Through this process, you have to remember that you must protect yourself first. When offering help, it is important to avoid being put in inappropriate or uncomfortable situations that are not good for you.
  • Step up. Sometimes when people are struggling with these conditions, they become blind to the consequences. It is important to be firm, remind them, and try to refer them to help at a professional treatment center such as The beachcomber Drug and Alcohol Rehab South Florida.

Just remember it’s ok that you don’t know everything about depression and addiction. It’s ok to ask for help as to how to walk with a loved one with these conditions. The Beachcomber Drug and Alcohol Rehab South Florida has a caring holistically trained staff who want to assist in your loved one’s recovery journey.