Addiction Voice

Addiction Voice

Opioid Addiction

Breaking the Cycle of Dependence: Solutions for Opioid Addiction

Opioid addicts frequently discover that recovering from their addiction is more difficult than anticipated. They can believe that addiction is something that they can overcome at any time or that they are an outlier. This is possible with behavioral addictions to behaviors including eating, having sex, gambling, shopping, and exercising. Anyone dealing with a behavioral […]

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12-Step Support Groups

The Importance of Honesty in a 12-Step Support Groups

You’ve probably heard that phrase before—“honesty is the best policy.” We’ve all grown up being told that we shouldn’t lie but make sure to always tell the truth. But why is honesty so important? And more specifically, why is honesty important for 12-step support groups? Addiction Voice is a rehabilitation center that runs 12-step support

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6 Signs That You’re Addicted To Something

Drug addiction or substance use disorder is when one loses the ability to control the excessive urge to use and consume mind-altering drugs leading to its abuse, additionally increased use of drugs can be a consequence of trauma, stress or to numb/ease the pain, moreover, drug addiction can also lead to overdose and also death.

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Addiction Voice Therapy

Current Drug Abuse Trends in America and What You Need to Know

Most of us are aware of the infamous opioid crisis that has riddled the nation since the early 2000s. Opioid-related overdoses saw a sharp, alarming increase from the late ’90s to the present, and while this class of drugs has occupied much of the drug abuse prevention narrative for decades now, it is important to

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