Addiction Voice

Meditation in Recovery

Benefits of Prayer and Meditation in Recovery

Prayer and meditation are practices that have existed since ancient times, practiced in many cultures and religions. But it is only until recent decades that scientific research has caught up with the benefits of these practices. We now know that there are many science-based benefits to consciously slowing your mind and training your thoughts.

The general public can benefit from prayer and meditation practice, but it is particularly beneficial to those who are in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction.

That’s because there are many unique benefits to prayer and meditation that directly support recovery. Here at Beachcomber Residential Rehabilitation, we make space for these practices so that people can benefit from them in recovery. 

Benefits of Prayer and Meditation in Recovery

1. Decreases stress and anxiety

Mediation decreases stress and anxiety through its impacts on cortisol, the hormone related to stress in the body. One meta-analysis showed that mediation decreased anxiety, while another study showed a reduction in inflammation (signal of stress).

Lower stress and anxiety are more supportive of the recovery process and should be prioritized throughout the process.

2. Enhances self-awareness

Spending time with your thoughts increases self-awareness. Meditation and prayer, therefore, can help someone in recovery identify harmful or self-defeating thoughts. With more awareness, it’s easier to then transition into positive, constructive thoughts. Read more about this phenomenon in this article.

3. Improves sleep

Sleep is so important for our overall health and well-being. This is particularly true for those in recovery who need to be in their best overall health to tackle the challenges of addiction and recovery. Meditation has been shown in a study to support people with insomnia, helping them sleep quicker and longer than those who do not practice meditation.

4.  Reduces blood pressure

Because meditation has been shown in studies to reduce blood pressure, there are physical health benefits to it as well. Lower blood pressure reduces strain on your heart, which is, of course, an overall positive thing for your body and can support someone’s recovery process by maintaining good physical health.

5. Helps release you to a higher power

12-step recovery programs are very effective for recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. Step 11 of Alcoholics Anonymous, the basis for all 12-step recovery programs, is to improve conscious contact with God through prayer and meditation. By engaging in these practices, those in recovery can release their addiction to a higher power and receive knowledge from Him to carry out their recovery.

The rise in popularity of meditation and mindfulness practices—alongside prayer in religious communities—shows how beneficial these practices are for anyone. But for someone in recovery, they are essential. Meditation and prayer in a 12-step recovery program can support physical and mental health, making the path to recovery easier. If you’re curious about the benefits of these practices, 12-step recovery programs, or anything else with addiction and recovery, contact us at Beachcomber Residential Rehabilitation to start a conversation.