Addiction Voice

alcohol addiction center florida

Alcohol and Drug Treatment Center in Florida

Florida is the nation’s leading state for quality addiction treatment centers.

Deciding to enter into a drug or alcohol treatment program is one of the most significant life decisions you will ever make. Therefore, it’s crucial that you are comfortable and confident in your decision as you look to regain control over your life.

For over 40 years, we have been dedicated to treating every individual without judgment, ensuring a safe, supportive and holistic environment. Our successful track record has earned us the envious reputation of being the preeminent drug and alcohol rehab center in the Sunshine State.

The primary goal of our detox centers is to help patients complete their treatment in a positive, safe way and maintain long-term recovery.

To these ends, our state-of-the-art facilities provide you with a tranquil and beautiful physical environment. Additionally, our advanced research-based treatment programs ensure your success, and our compassionate staff work tirelessly towards helping you rebuild your future.

And our extensive knowledge means we can treat every form of drug addiction, as well as those who are alcohol dependent.

At the heart of our program lies the three goals of comfort, care, and recovery.

Addiction Voice Center
Addiction Voice Center in Florida

In providing you with a safe and comfortable environment, we know you will receive the best possible foundation to overcome cravings, dependency, and self-medication.

Through working intensively with our clients, we build solid relationships with them and have deep compassion and understanding of their struggles. Creating this long-term and healthy relationship is the key to helping people break free from their cycle of addiction.

Our program works through a holistic approach.

Our medical staff provides the initial 24/7 care needed as you begin holistic drug and alcohol treatment, and we are with you every step of the way.

As well as providing everything needed to overcome the first stages of physical withdrawal, we also provide the psychological and emotional support required.

Through individual counseling from leading therapists in a safe and private environment, you will be given the opportunity to address your past and future. So many people struggle to understand the paths that led them to addiction, and exploring your history can be a key to unlocking a healthy future.

Finally, our group therapy sessions will help you to trust others, as well as feel inspired through the stories of those who are walking the same path you as.

Florida is the country’s prime location in providing a comfortable and relaxed place to work out your treatment plan.

Upon visiting one of our three state-of-the-art rehabilitation facilities, you will find everything needed to ensure your greatest possibility of success in your treatment.

We provide you with modern luxury private rooms, tranquil treatment areas, and magnificent spa and gym facilities. Added to the stunning scenes from our private beaches, you’ll find everything you need to relax after the Drug and alcohol treatment program.

Making the courageous decision to begin treatment is a tremendous first step to recovery, and working with us in one of our Florida-based detox centers will be your best road to a prosperous future.