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A Comparison of Two Modes of Therapy: DBT vs CBT

At Beachcomber Delray, we feel it is important to create a unique individualized treatment plan for every client. One part of those plans is therapy. Here we will discuss two different therapy types: cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT). These are two of the most common modes of therapy in treatment during rehab and recovery from addiction, although they can help treat a wide variety of other conditions. While there are many similarities between CBT and DBT, there are a few crucial differences. It helps to be aware of these differences so you and your therapist can make the decision together for which treatment type makes the most sense for you, Drug and alcohol rehab treatment Center Florida is the best choice for your journey to sobriety.

What are the differences?

Both cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectical behavioral therapy are two of the most common and effective forms of psychotherapy. Here are a few differences between the two. 


CBT is often also referred to as “talk therapy.” This is probably the type of therapy most people think of when they picture someone talking to their therapist. It focuses on the patient talking about the problems they are facing. The goal of CBT is to reframe how the patient thinks about their life challenges. The goal of CBT is to achieve shifts in perspective using logic and reason enabling the patient to control their thoughts and emotions instead of their emotions controlling them. CBT is based on the tenet belief that a person’s thoughts and behaviors directly affect the way they feel. And based on this, if we can change thoughts and behaviors, we can change how a person feels. 


DBT is actually a subtype of CBT that is geared towards helping those who have visceral emotional reactions to things that happen in daily life. The goal of DBT is to help teach the patient how to interact with the world around them in healthier ways. The most important difference between CBT and DBT is that DBT focuses on actually accepting the emotions you feel and coping with the pain that comes with them. It teaches the patient how to better regulate harmful or destructive behaviors and emotions. You can see why this would be a common component of treatment for addiction and substance abuse disorders. Many times, a patient recovering from substance abuse disorder will start with a DBT plan to teach them proper emotional regulation and eventually move down to CBT to address negative thought patterns.

Which type of therapy is best for you?

The very best way to decide which treatment is the best fit for you is to consult with a therapist specializing in treating substance abuse disorders. Upon intake into a treatment program, you will probably receive a full examination of your physical and emotional health which will lead a professional to make an appropriate recommendation for you. 

A therapist will be able to discuss in-depth whether CBT or DBT is the ideal therapy treatment for you. Factors considered will include treatment history, symptoms, and treatment and recovery goals. Both forms of therapy have the potential to treat a variety of conditions including alcoholism, heroin addiction, opioid addiction, benzodiazepine addiction, and more.

If you are struggling with one of these, we recommend finding a treatment center near you. Call Beachcomber Delray if you or a loved one are ready to take the first step towards healing.